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Volume 86 - October, 2008
QUARTERLY POTLUCK GENERAL MEETING 7997 California Avenue Please remember to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert to share with others. Website - www.fairoakshistory.org Editor: Marilyn Pearce Publisher: Jim Pearce             Circulation: Susan Burmaster |
Soup Night November 7
Plans for our Second Annual Soup Night are on schedule and tickets are going
fast. Our Soup Nights are to raise money for a permanent
History Center. See the Soup Night article further on for additional information.
Portable History Exhibit
The Fair Oaks Rotary Club is working with us to design a portable exhibit we
could use with local schools as well as at the History Center. This joint project is
funded by the Rotary Club and is aimed at getting kids thinking about history
and preserving the heritage of Fair Oaks.
Election of officers for 2009
We will elect officers for 2009 at the general meeting on Oct. 21. The Nominating
Committee will announce their slate of officers and additional names can be
nominated from the floor.
Want to help out?
Below are examples of how you can get more involved in the work of the
Historical Society. Can you …
Tickets for our Second Annual Soup Night, November 7th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm,
are on sale and going fast. Buy your tickets from Soup Night Committee
members before or at the General Meeting on October 21; we are not selling
tickets at the door this year. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children.
Most of the soup bowls this year will be hand painted by members of the
Historical Society with assistance from Michelle Lueth, Ceramics Instructor with
the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District. The bowls are painted before they
are baked in kilns. We need your help with the painting on Friday Oct. 17th and
Saturday Oct. 18th from 10 am to 1 pm. Please come and paint a bowl or two. Call Lynn Steen at 967-
7135 for more information.
We also need additional items for the auction and raffle. Please continue to solicit
contributions from friends and businesses. Letters of solicitation to be used in
making requests are available from Claudia Thorn (961-8291) or Lynn Steen
In addition, we will be contacting members to help on Friday November 7. Help is
needed starting about 9:00 am, making soup, setting up and decorating the
Clubhouse, as well as serving and cleaning up. Please be generous with you
time when you are called. Remember that Soup Nights are to raise money for the
“Building Fund” for our permanent History Center.
Gaynel Wald from the Folsom Historical Society will be performing a living history
of Nancy Kelsey. Nancy Kelsey was the first white woman to cross the plains to
California in the spring of 1841. She is known as the Betsy Ross of California.
Gaynel will come to our quarterly meeting on October 21, 2008 dressed as
Nancy Kelsey to tell her story using a number of visual aides. Come see the
living history of a woman who was a great pioneer.
A Recap of July 2008’s Program:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank members of Bella Vista High
School’s first graduating class for their slide presentation of Bella Vista High
School then and now. Speakers from the first graduating class of 1963 were
Nancy Ainsworth (a song leader). Jon Esparza (member of the student body and
school football hero), with a letter from Tamara Wood (student body president).
Tentative Programs for 2008: January’s program will be a potpourri from members of
the Fair Oaks Historical
If you have an idea or suggestion for a future program topic please let me know. I
want to bring historical topics of interest to all of you. You can call me at (916)
944-4812 or e-mail me at sherrywood1949@yahoo.com.
Thanks to Bob Massey!
We received a call from "Farmer Bob" Massey regarding the location of the Downing-Radke home
that we featured in our last newsletter. It burned in 1936. We had placed it near Fair Oaks Blvd.
and Sunset based on the 1930 census.
"Not so" said Bob. It was on Hazel Ave. across from the Phoenix Olive Plant. He knows because
he was a volunteer in the Fair Oaks Fire Department and responded to the fire "with a bucket of
water and a burlap sack." Can't argue with that! Thanks for the correction Bob.
Fair Oaks Historical Society General Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2008.
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Steen, following another great Potluck.
The guests were introduced.
Business Meeting:
Respectfully, submitted,
As a result of our good newspaper coverage for our
2nd Sunday Open House, we average 5 to 15 visitors
at the History Center. A new page has been added to the Memorial Book. Donations
have been received in memory of Bessie Drobny-1908-2008.
Officer nominations for 2009 - In accordance with the bylaws, the nominating
committee has identified the following slate of nominees. Other individuals may be
nominated from the floor before we vote at the October General Meeting.
President - Ken Steen, Vice President - Sherry Lynn Wood
Tickets for our Second Annual Soup Night, November 7th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm,
are on sale and going fast. Buy your tickets from Soup Night Committee
members before or at the General Meeting on October 21; we are not selling
tickets at the door this year. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children.
Most of the soup bowls this year will be hand painted by members of the
Historical Society with assistance from Michelle Lueth, Ceramics Instructor with
the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District. The bowls are painted before they
are baked in kilns. We need your help with the painting on Friday Oct. 17th and
Saturday Oct. 18th from 10 am to 1 pm. Please come and paint a bowl or two. Call Lynn Steen at 967-
7135 for more information.
We also need additional items for the auction and raffle. Please continue to solicit
contributions from friends and businesses. Letters of solicitation to be used in
making requests are available from Claudia Thorn (961-8291) or Lynn Steen
In addition, we will be contacting members to help on Friday November 7. Help is
needed starting about 9:00 am, making soup, setting up and decorating the
Clubhouse, as well as serving and cleaning up. Please be generous with you
time when you are called. Remember that Soup Nights are to raise money for the
“Building Fund” for our permanent History Center.
Best Wishes Bob!
Of particular concern was the note in Bob Walter's column, "Adios, maybe:..... The Bee's
regional sections are going away and so is this column..." Bob has been a good friend
of the Fair Oaks Historical Society and has always given us a plug in his column. We hope to
see him regularly at the "best potluck in the town!."
Vice-President's Message:
They shared with us what it was like to be at a new school in 1961 and
responsible for setting up the student government, choosing the school colors,
mascot, and writing the school’s fight song. It was such a great opportunity for
them to learn about government first hand while setting up the student
government at a new school.
They were very instrumental in making Bella
Vista the great school it is today. Other students representing BV in the 1960’s
were Mary Ickes-Oliver, Cyndy Schiltz-Mason, Dorthy Alley-Irwin, Kathy Rander,
and Sherry Lynn Wood. Their 45th class reunion was held On September 6, 2008 in
the Fair Oaks Community Club House, and was a great success.
Pete White’s Historical Moment: Pete talked about the Community Clubhouse before Aerojet.
Program: Sherry Wood introduced the Program, recollections of the first years at Bella Vista
High School.
Committee Reports:
New Business
Ken asked that we will need volunteers to work on grants for refurbishing the
Old Library Building, please contact him.
Janet McWilliams, secretary
 Docent's Report:
The history center was open to visitors on Saturday,
September 20 for the Chicken Festival during the hours
of the Grange Breakfast in the Community Club House.
24 people signed the Guest Book and many more also visited.
Our Christmas Open House at the History Center will be on
Dec. 14 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The new acquisition of
early Fair Oaks Fire Department artifacts will be on display.
Hot cider, punch and cookies will be served.
Thanks to the following people for being docents;
Betty Anne McArthur, Meg & Larry Smart, Evelyn Heim,
Lois Frazier, Diana Lennon, Gordon & JoAn Heidt,
Fran Sargent, Ken & Lynn Steen, Jim & Marilyn Pearce.
Thank you.
Secretary - Janet McWilliams,
Treasurer - Joe Dobrowolski.
It was with great regret that we noticed the headline in the Sacramento Bee, Thursday,
October 2, "It's end of the line for region editions." This is the section where we advertised
our meetings and events. It remains to be seen whether the Bee will continue to cover
our activities in other sections of the paper.
![]() About 1920 |
![]() 2008 |
Location: 3909 Orangewood Drive, Fair Oaks
This charming, older home originally had an address on Magnolia Ave.
The home had a u-shaped front driveway, lined with palm trees that now encircle the
perimeter of the spacious backyard. The front door now faces Orangewood Dr., which
was once the back of the home.
A former resident says that Dr. Joseph H. Buffum built the home for his daughter when
she married. His mansion was across the street.
In 1941, the Arthur White family (Pete's dad) purchased the 2-story home and 2-story
barn situated on 15 acres. There were 10 acres of olive trees, 5 acres of orange trees
as well as 3 or 4 noisy peacocks. The address was Rural Route 123 and the phone # was
Fair Oaks 123. The home was called "Red Top House" or the "Hill Top House" because
it was built on the highest elevation on Magnolia Ave.
The home presently has 3 bedrooms upstairs and a playroom. Downstairs there are 3 bedrooms,
2 baths, a formal dining room and living room plus a den/family room. In older times it had a screened
wrap-around porch. It has a full concrete basement.
When Aerojet Corporation caused property values to increase, Mr. White subdivided the 15 acres.
The home was sold and new owners did some remodeling in 1975. The house then fell into disrepair.
A Mr. McCarter did renovations to the house in the mid-90's. The home was purchased by the Hughes
in 1996 who are in the process of restoring the home and grounds. They have already made many
improvements including the addition of a landscaped pool area . It is a pleasure to see a young and
growing family enjoy their home. If you have more/correct information on the "Hill Top House," please
contact Jim or Marilyn Pearce.
Credit goes to Jane Whitnack and Pete White for writing this article.
Date of construction: 1915 - 1920
Architecture: Side-gabled, Craftsman eclectic
Previous Owners: ?, Arthur White, ?, J.A. Zwierzynski, Richard McCarter
Present Owners: William and Lisa Hughes and their family