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Volume 70 October 2004
QUARTERLY POTLUCK GENERAL MEETING - 10/26/04 7997 California Avenue Please remember to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert to share with others. Editors: Susan Burmaster & Marilyn Pearce Publisher: Jim Pearce |
President's Message: ![]() What happened to the summer?! First it was April and suddenly it is October! I wish to thank our Board members, all of whom are listed in this newsletter. We have great times and discussions at our board meetings. A special thanks to Jim Pearce who will put us on a web site that will give Fair Oaks Historical Society worldwide coverage. "Bring a neighbor": Karin Mathis who lives up the street is my neighbor. Many of you know her and she is now our new neighbor member.
![]() Once again, Fair Oaks
Our past president, RoseAnne Crandell is a new bride and has changed her name to
RoseAnne Lamb. Fair Oaks Historical Society wishes both RoseAnne and Leonard
many years of happiness.
Fair Oaks community gossip has it that Farmer Bob has sold his property. Does this mean we will not be seeing pumpkins stacked on a wagon at Farmer Bob's anymore? Farmer Bob is a part of Fair Oaks history. Fair Oaks Historical Society is the greatest group of people with one thought in mind; we love Fair Oaks and wish to preserve Fair Oaks history.
Lynn Steen & Don Kenmonth
Program: |
October 2004 Benny Barrios - Fair Oaks Art and History |
The program for the October 2004's Fair Oaks Historical Society's meeting will be on "My Perspective on Fair Oaks through Art". Our guest speaker will be Benny Barrios, a Fair Oaks resident for 40+ years, father of 5 children, artist, and teacher of art. Benny will speak of his life in Fair Oaks and the changes he has seen in Fair Oaks and the surrounding communities by sharing his art with us.
A Recap of July 2004’s Program:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jim Pearce for his great
presentation on "Fair Oaks Historical Society's (FOHS) Web Page" and to
thank him for all his hard work in designing the Web Page. Jim has also
volunteered to lead and train a Web Page Committee to assure that FOHS
has a wonderful Web Page that will continue to grown and share information
about Fair Oaks with those interested in the history of our community.
Put your thinking caps on, for January 2005's Potpourri of speakers on life
in Fair Oaks. The topic for next years potpourri will be entertaining stories
about attending school in Fair Oaks, my children attending school in Fair Oaks,
or stories about schools in Fair Oaks. You Vice-President will be calling in
December to line up speakers. If you have an entertaining story that you would
like to share please call me and let me put your name on the list of speakers.
Stories should 3 to 5 minutes in length to allow as many stories to be presented
as possible and for all those interested in participating to have time for
their story.
If you have an idea or suggestion for a future program topic please let me know.
I want to bring historical topics of interest to all of you. I can be reached
at (916) 944-4812 or via my e-mail address at sherrywood1949@comcast.net.
  | ![]() Jim, July's speaker |
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A beautiful album of the Centennial Celebration of Fair Oaks
in 1995 is now on display at the History Center. Included are many
photos, newspaper articles and mementos. Stop by and have a look
any time.
A new exhibit describes Bill Kinsey, the last blacksmith in
Fair Oaks. He worked until probably the early 1970's. His sign in
the shape of an anvil along with pictures and horseshoes are on display.
The following people have been docents at the History Center this
year. Fran Sargent, Lois Frazier, Larry & Meg Smart, Gordon & JoAn Heidt,
RoseAnn Lamb, Billy Hinsey, Lois Dawes, Charley Blatchford, Ralph Carhart,
June Melvin, Ione Radonich. ----Thank you----
The History Center is open every 2nd Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.
and is located in the administration building in the Fair Oaks Cemetery.
Report of Nominating Committee:
The Nominating Committee appointed at the July 2004 general meeting of the Fair
Oaks Historical Society consisted of Chairperson, Dr. Robert Barrett, Mr. Warren
McWilliams, and Mr. Joe Dobrowolski.
In compliance with Bylaws Article IX, Section 2, the Committee convened on
August 19, 2004. A slate composed of the following candidates was selected:
President: Mr. Russ Monroe
All candidates for office are incumbents, and have consented to nomination.
Nominations from the floor are welcome at the general meeting on October 26.
Website Coordinator:
We are making good progress with the Fair Oaks Historical Society website. We have
established the name www.fairoakshistory.org (as decided by the general membership)
with Surewest Internet in Roseville, and transferred the existing content from Jimsweb to
the new location. We have also established an initial e-mail address for FOHS as
contactus@fairoakshistory.org, and will establish others in the near future for various
Society functions. Steve Abbott has volunteered to be the general contact person for the
Five members have volunteered to work on the website, along with Hugh Gorman who
has volunteered to work on any art or graphics we may need. So, the web team for FOHS
We held our first meeting on Wednesday, September 22, where we discussed general
issues about the website and did a little technical training. We decided to meet every
Wednesday to work on the website until we have the basics done. All the web team
members are enthusiastic about the project and I think we have a very productive
I suspect the web team will be able to decide most of the issues regarding the website
(design, project priorities, etc.) but we will probably bring some issues to the Board when
we feel the need, and we welcome any suggestions from the Board or general
membership regarding the website.
Vice President: Ms. Sherry Lynn Wood
Treasurer: Mrs. Meg Smart
Secretary: Miss Diana Lennon
Save the Date! -
Plan to attend the F.O.H.S. Holiday Open House on Sunday, December 12th at the cemetery.
Join us for refreshments and enjoy the collections of the Fair Oaks History Center.
  | Pam Campoy & Maria Brugger |
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