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Volume 91 - January, 2010
QUARTERLY POTLUCK GENERAL MEETING 7997 California Avenue Please remember to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert to share with others. Website - www.fairoakshistory.org Editor: Marilyn Pearce Publisher: Jim Pearce             Circulation: Susan Burmaster |
Happy New Year!––
At the first general meeting on January 26, Ralph Carhart and his board will be installed. We can be confident that they will help keep us focused on our common objective of preserving, protecting and sharing Fair Oaks history and heritage. For the past two years, I have served as your President. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I believe the Society has made good progress in sharing Fair Oaks history during this time. Thanks especially to the officers and committee chairs for their commitment and support in this general effort.
Examples of programs and efforts that we can keep improving and adding to include:
Some highlights from the Fall:
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Thank you for choosing me as you Vice-President for the last six years.
I have enjoyed having the opportunity to bring historical programs of
interest to the membership at our quarterly meetings. This experience
helped me to learn more about my hometown and its history while
serving my community. I look forward to joining the general
membership at the long tables and enjoying historical programs to be
offered in the future by our new Vice-President.
I would like to thank Eileen Metzger from the San Juan High School
Alumni Association for her presentation on San Juan High School’s
history and upcoming 100 year celebration, a year long event in 2013.
San Juan will be having a new look and
vocational focus. The Alumni Association not only gets graduating
classes together for reunions, but has given over 160 scholarships
totaling over $200,000.
January's presentation will be the Rennaisance Society from UC Sacramento.
Soup Night 2009 Update
Claudia Thorn/Lynn Steen
Once again, our fantastic Soup Night Committee did an awesome job creating
another sell out event.
Committee Members:
Thank you to everyone who attended our event and made it such a wonderful
Vice-President's Message:
Recap of Oct 2009’s Program:
This year, we didn't sell any tickets at the door as there were none available. For
the most part, the reserved tables were very successful and will be continued
next year along with selling wine by the glass as well as the bottle. This year we
brought in about $7,000. Our out-of-pocket expenses were a little higher this year
as we purchased some non-consumable items in an effort to reduce our
overhead in the long run. More of the specifics will be shared at our January 26th
meeting. Please be sure to thank all the committee members when you see
them. And please especially thank Don Yost for all the bowls he donated. I think
our last count was 94. We'll start planning for 2010 in another month and would
appreciate any suggestions for improvement. Also, if you know of other potters
that we can contact, please call Lynn Steen at 967-7135.
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Rose home, about 1975 |
Same home, today |
Location: 4249 Pennsylvania Avenue - Architecture: Farmhouse - Built :1912
Previous Owners:
This home sits almost at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue, north of Lemon Street. Originally
it was a three bedroom, one bath home at the top of a 5 acre hill. Typical to that time
period, the house had 2 closets, one in the hall and one in a bedroom. The Roses, who have
owned the home since 1971, have added a master bedroom and bath, family room,
enclosed the daylight basement, created a garage and included the service porch into their
kitchen. Don and Penny have physically done most of this work themselves throughout
the 39 years they have lived in the house.
Don tells of discovering original lathe and plaster with a variety of lumber used. In some
cases the beams ended before the ground making them wonder how the house had stayed
sturdy for the first 60 years. The original siding was redwood, their add-on used pine,
which is now covered with vinyl. The kitchen has the original wood floors and some of the
original shelving is used in the basement for storage. The backyard at one time had many
trees, including olive, which were destroyed in a fire in
1988. There was also a barn, which has since been torn down. The front yard has two very
tall palm trees probably planted in the early 1900s as do other old Fair Oaks properties.
Not much information can be found about the previous owners. James S. Thomas
emigrated from Wales as a 10 year old boy in 1865. He is on the 1910 census in Fair Oaks.
Records show he owned this property, living with his wife, mother and sister in 1920. He
was the pastor of the first Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church built in 1906. Ernestine Ambrose
Miller –LaValle lived in South Dakota before California and had three husbands and many
children. The Roses purchased the home from Pearl Adamczak who in 1971 was a widow
with three grown children.
Don and Penny are lifetime members of the Fair Oaks Historical Society. They were active
parents when their 3 boys attended John Holst Elementary. Penny’s family owned La Posta
Mexican Restaurant until they sold it in 2000. They plan to continue updating and
maintaining this vintage Fair Oaks home.
This article represents the transition of Old Homes Editor from Marilyn Pearce to Kay Schrudder
(who wrote this piece). If any of our members have any additional information about this property
or its previous owners, please let the Old Homes Editor know.
The annual Christmas open house at the History Center was held
On December 13. Cookies, hot cider and punch were served.
23 people signed our guest book. Visiting was enjoyed and several
new people indicated interest in joining the society.
On Nov 13 the History Center was open in the afternoon and
evening for use by a theater group from Recreation and Parks.
Thanks to all who volunteered time as monitors of the Center.
Thanks to the following people for being docents this year:
Fran Sargent, Lois Frazier, Jean Applegate, Gordon and Jo An Heidt.
Larry and Meg Smart, Marguerite Goddard, June Melvin, Cheryl Welch,
Jim and Marilyn Pearce, Ralph and Sherrie Carhart, Bob and Maria
Brugger, Ken Steen, Claudia Thorn, Merina West. Thank you!!!
If you would like to be a docent call Lois Frazier — 967-2967
 Docent's Report:
After the centennial celebration at the Fair Oaks Library, Lois
and I were left with over 20 large, high quality prints depicting
Fair Oaks history. So, when our turn in the Library showcase
came up in December, we were ready. This is a photo of the
completed display.
Later, we refurbished the display case outside the Museum,
including a new digital photo-frame in the lower right which
rotated between photos advertising the FOHS and a short
history of the Fair Oaks Bridge. It's great to gain attention
for the Historical Society activities with all the people that pass
by for the many activities at the main auditorium.
Fair Oaks Historical Society General Meeting Minutes, October 27, 2009
The meeting was called to order by President Ken Steen following another wonderful potluck.
(Some of the raffle was conducted during dinner.)
Guests were introduced.
Historical Moment: Pete White talked about summer jobs while he was growing up.
He told of working at Aerojet. He also shared working for the San Juan Record, this really
got him interested in the newspaper business, which led to him being the co-editor of his
college. Pete read us an article about a “Chicken Plucking” contest that he wrote
for his college newspaper. Pete also asked for volunteers to provide upcoming Historical
Program: Sherry Wood, vice-president introduced Eileen Metzger, who spoke about the 100th
Anniversary of San Juan High School. The celebration will be a year long celebration. She
shared with us the new plans for the High School. It will have a vocational focus. The Alumni
Association has given over $200,000 in scholarships to over 160 students. Applications for
the Association were made available to our members.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published in the newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: Joe reported that the raffle tonight brought in $150, and the wine $50. We
have gained in our treasurery due to the sale of Soup Night tickets.
Ways and Means: Claudia Thorne has taken over this position. She also reported that we have
improved the quality of wine that is being served at the quarterly meetings.
Membership: Trude Vasquez reported that we have new magnetic badges, with a case that will
be here for the next meeting. Warning: anyone with a Pacemaker should not wear the magnetic
badges, they should let Trude know and a pin badge will be made for them. She has worked out
a system that badges will only be available for currently paid members.
History Center: Lois Frazier reminded us that the December Open House will be December 13th
at the History Center from 1-4 p.m.. We will be doing the Library display in November, Jim Pearce
will help with the display.
Newsletter: Marilyn Pearce reported the next newsletter will come out early in January.
Publicity: Trude said that she has been sending notices of our meeting to 13 different sources,
Several members reported they have seen the articles.
Webmaster: Jim Pearce announced that the Fair Oaks Thursday Club has a site linked to ours.
There is a lot of changing information, we need to be checking it often.
Soup Night: Claudia Thorn introduced the committee. Maria Brugger announced the five soups
we will be serving. Lynn Steen reported that we have now received all the bowls needed for the
event. At this point the event is sold out.
Nominating Committee: Trude Vasquez reported that the following members have accepted the
following positions:
President, Ralph Carhart; Vice-president, Trude Vasquez/Maria Brugger; Secretary, Janet
McWilliams; Treasurer, Joe Dobrowolski. Nominations were called for from the floor, none
were made.Warren McWilliams moved that we approve of candidates, seconded by Lois Frazier.
Life Membership Application: Merina West has applied for an Individual Life Membership. Motion
to accept her nomination was made by Pat Vogel, seconded by Barbara Saunders. Motion
passed. Merina was presented with her pin and certificate.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Janet McWilliams, Secretary