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Volume 80 - April, 2007
QUARTERLY POTLUCK GENERAL MEETING 7997 California Avenue Please remember to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert to share with others. Editors: Susan Burmaster & Marilyn Pearce Publisher: Jim Pearce |
President's Message: ![]() |
Our Fair Oaks Historical Society has finally moved into its new home. We had a successful first opening on March 11th. Those who were present to greet our guests were Lois Frazier, Diana Lennon, Warren and Janet McWilliams.
There will be a GRAND OPENING of the History Center on APRIL 15th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. We will have a number of invited guests, a ribbon cutting and refreshments. All are invited to attend!
The Historical Society was nominated for an Outstanding Organization Award by the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District. I have been notified that we have won the award presented by the California Association of Recreation and Park Districts. Thanks to all the members for working so hard so we could be nominated for this award.
We also have a large project in November, our first real effort to raise funds for the renovation of the Old Fair Oaks Library as a permanent museum site . This will be a Soup Dinner with Maria Brugger as the chairperson. We all need to support her with lots of help to make this a success. There will be further details and a sign-up for volunteers at our meeting on the 24th.
Vice-President's Message:
Program: April Lynn Farnham, curator and anthropological historian from the Roseville
Maidu Cultural Center will be making a presentation on their Indian culture in Northern
California. She will talk about the Nisenan-Maidu people in the 1830s and 1840s up to
the beginning of the Gold Rush. She will tell about Maidu women in the 1900s who have been
pioneers in preserving and revitalizing the culture including Lizzie Enos, Marie Potts, and Bertha
Norton. Diana Almendariz AKA “The Tule Lady” and the grand-daughter of
Bertha Norton will be assisting with the presentation.
Fair Oaks Historical Society Member’s
Marilyn Dupray – October 19, 1957 “Air Enthusiasts and Dog Take Long Walk”
Memory of Ritchie Scott Wood – 1957? “Jet airplane crashes at the North end of Pennsylvania”
Phyllis & Dick Nygren – 1955 “Floods on the American River”
Bob Brugger – Dredgers on the south side of the American River
Roseville Bombs 1974 and 1990’s 500 pound bombs
Betty Baker the Freeze in 1932 and 1950-1960’s
The Death of the Orange Groves
Lowell Sherman Thursday Club Fire
Lois Fraizer Buffham Home Fire 1967
Hugh Gorman Shire Road Pub Fire 1976
Meg Smart, Dorothy Hugget, Lois Fraizer – History of the Fair Oaks Woman’s Thursday Club
Memories from the January Meeting
Two air minded Fair Oaks youngsters, Michael Mooney 3 1/2 and Michael Dupray 4 1/2 , and
their dog Buster, were the object of a frantic search Friday, before they were found at the Fair
Oaks Airport calmly watching the airplanes. The boys, who live at 4848 and 4832 Gastman
Way, apparently left home around 9 a.m. Neighbors and friends joined in the search when the
boys were missed but the youngsters were nowhere to be found. Finally around 2:30 pm Fair
Oaks firemen were called and joined the search. Questioning of residents in the area resulted in a
lead. Mrs. Jakotich of Sunset Avenue had seen two boys and a dog which fitted their
descriptions on Sunset Avenue near Hazel. Firemen followed this lead and found the trio calmly
enjoying their day at the airfield. Firemen returned two tired little boys and one dog to their
homes late in the afternoon, little the worse for wear except for wet feet.
In 1957 a jet airplane crashed north of Sunset Avenue at the end of Pennsylvania which runs
parallel to Gastman Way. The pilot ejected over the town of Fair Oaks, he landed near the San
Juan Record in the center of town. His ejection seat landed at the north end of Pennsylvania
Avenue where Ritchie Wood and Duncan McPherson found it. It was a very exciting day for
the boys. Others remarked that they remembered that day. Marilyn Dupray said that it was
very scary to have a jet airplane crash in the field north of their home. She said that Mrs.
Mooney told her that Michael was so frightened that he jumped into the bath tub with her.
“If you are a mother you never have privacy.”
In 1955 the American River flooded so high that Fair Oaks Blvd by the Wedding Chapel had 3
feet of silt on it. There was a new house in town with three feet of water in it. The owner just
built the house and was so distraught that he committed suicide. The water also came up
Pennsylvania Avenue and met Magnolia. The American River rose again in 1986 and 1996-1997.
In December 1996 and January 1997 the water rose to the bottom of the old bridge. In 1956 the
Folsom Dam was completed to prevent flooding. The plans to build the damn started in 1931.
The wheels of government roll slowly.
Bob talked about the history of the dredgers that dredged the areas South of Fair Oaks and the
last dredger which was down Sunrise Blvd towards McDonald Douglas.
One of FOHS members spoke of the bombs in 1974 at the Roseville rail yard. Her father worked
for the railroad and it was many hours before her family knew that he was okay. When the
bombs went off in 1974 at the Roseville rail yard, it was during the Vietnam War and was felt
and heard in Fair Oaks. It was a very freighting experience for all. In the early 1990’s two more
bombs went off that were missed in 1974. Luckily, in both disasters, no one was killed or injured.
Betty remembers the freeze. She was born on December 11, 1932. She remembers the freeze of
1932 from stories that were told her by her father. Her father purchased property in Fair Oaks
and had orange groves. However, in 1932, the freeze killed the entire orange grove. Her father
cleared the land and this is how he became a dairy farmer. The farm was known as the Fair
Oaks Dairy. Betty use to stop traffic on Winding Way to drive the cows home for milking.
After the freeze, an oldtime member went around and offered to remove all orange trees for 10 cents
apiece. He did not have enough money and chose to leave his grove in place. Today his
Orange Grove still stands near Kenneth and Sunset in Fair Oaks as one of the few old growths of
orange trees in the area.
Lowell told of waking up to the fire of the Fair Oaks Woman’s Thursday Club. When he noticed
that the Thursday Club was on fire,there was nothing that he could do
but watch the beautiful building burn. He and his family watched from their home which was
located west of the fire across which is now Sunrise Blvd.
Lois was not home when the Buffham house burned down in 1967. However, her son Bruce was
home and used his Brownie camera to take pictures. The pictures he took were used by the
Sacramento Bee. They are the only known photos of the house in flames. This was a great loss of
one of Fair Oaks’ landmarks and is still spoken about today.
In 1976, the Shire Road Pub burned down. The Shire Road Pub was known as a place where local
musicians could play the new sounds of the 1970’s. There were a number of bands that got their
start at the pub. In 1974, the Beau Brummels’ original five member
group got together there. 8 shows were booked and then
taped. With the magic of current technology, their first major release can be brought to life.
These three women delivered a short history of the Fair Oaks Women’s Thursday Club that was
both interesting and entertaining. The Fair Oaks Woman’s Thursday Club is a large part of
Fair Oaks’ history.
Docent's Report:
The History Center is now located in the "FIRESIDE ROOM"
in the Community Club House on California and Temescal Streets.
We will still be open the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1;00 to
4:00 P.M. We are looking forward to having the Center open
once a month during the week also. More on this later. Our
Grand Opening will be on Sunday April 15, from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Refreshments will be served.
This year the Fair Oaks Spring Fest (Fiesta) will be on May 5th & 6th.
The History Center will be open on both days. Docents will be
needed for 2 hour shifts from 10 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. A sign
up-sheet will be available at the potluck dinner.
Evelyn Heim has given the History Center a copy of the Ricketts/Heim
family history dating back to the 1600's. The book has early
1900 pictures of their property at San Juan and Winding Way.
If you would like to be a docent call Lois at 967-2967.
In spite of the holidays, vacations, museum moves, three-week-colds, and other
distractions, the web group did make some progress since the last newsletter. First,
thanks to Joe Dobrowolski for cataloging all the 1910'ish glass plate negatives and
matching them up with the proofs. That paves the way for moving the glass plates to the
Sacramento Archives where they'll be MUCH safer.
Next thanks to Sherry Wood for all the scanning - in case you haven't noticed, we've put
the three Fair Oaks historical books on the website (Early Years, Memories, and Heart of
California) for easier access by researchers and the enjoyment of our members.
And third, thanks to Meg Smart for loaning us her newly acquired collection of Fair Oaks
photo post cards and allowing us to scan the images to add to our collection. Some of the
images are on the website in the "Photo Gallery" section.
Lastly, I've been working on a pet project, Fair Oaks Historical Maps, and have the web
pages out for review. I will have the first phase up on the website by the time this
newsletter reaches you, so take a look.
As always; comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome to any of the FOHS
Webgroup - Joe Dobrowolski, Jim Pearce, Sherry Wood and Ken Steen.
The Memorial Day Celebration at the Fair Oaks Cemetery will
be Saturday May 26, at 10;00 A.M. This year will honor POW/MIA'S.
There will be speakers, music, ceremonial hot rod, and the
dedication of the Veterans' Memorial Wall. The Historical Society
and the Orangevale/Fair Oaks Grange will furnish cookies and
punch. We will need 15 people to bring two dozen cookies. Sign up
sheet will be at the Potluck.
The FOHS was saddened to hear of the passing of Henry Kroeger
on February 27 of this year at age 91. He had attended our
October meeting after donating an original copy of The Fair
Oaks Citizen newspaper from 1909-13 to the Society. His imprint
on our community and philanthropy will be long remembered.
Certainly, the photos are identical with the exception of the missing Buffum and Straith.
The position of the men's hands is absolutely identical in both photos.
We suspect that the left photo is an original since the right photo has a fancy label at
the bottom (not shown) listing the names of the men. So, probably, Buffum (left) and Straith
(right) were added into the original. Both men seem a little bigger than the rest, which may
have resulted from their individual photos being added in, and the lighting on Straith's
face doesn't quite fit. The clincher is that Straith should show legs beneath the chair
of the man in front of him, and they just aren't there.
All the men were wealthy and spent time in New York and Washington D.C. as well as Chicago
and California. So, it was probably impossible to get them all together for the photo and
Buffum and Straith simply had their photo taken elsewhere and patched in later. Really,
a pretty good job of retouching for those days.
The deed (actually called an Abstract of Title) is fairly long, some 67 pages and
contains wording from previous title issues going back to the days of Howard and
Wilson. It's pretty fragile, so we have it under glass, but we scanned a copy which
is on top of the glass case and can be read.
While working on the Museum Inventory Project, I was checking the quality of two
photos of Fair Oaks' founding fathers, the "Chicago-Fair Oaks Association." The
photo on left was supplied for the new Fair Oaks book by the Presbyterian Church, and
the one on the right was from the wall at the Museum. When I put them side by side, what
a surprise! Are the photos the same? If so, where did Dr. Buffum and Mr. Straith go?
Were they retouched out of the photo for some reason?
By Laws Revision - Article VI
Thanks to Nancy Ott for the loan of a grinding stone one of her kids found in the
American River and an early deed to Fair Oaks property she bought at auction. Both
are on display at the Museum.
The attached Article VI of the By Laws is a proposed amendment to By
Laws adopted by the membership at the October 2006 General Meeting.
This amendment will be put to the membership for approval at the April
meeting. Changes to Section 6.1 are consistent with the intent of the
membership to have all committee chairs be members of the board. Sections
6.3-2 and 6.3-4 (a) are changed to provide for the larger number of board
members. After the amendment is adopted, the By-Laws will be available on
the Society's web site. If a hard copy is desired they will be available from
the membership committee chair at the general meetings starting in July.
6.1 The membership and voting rights are
Correction to January newsletter's article on the Ansted house.
One of the nice things about running articles on some of the old Fair Oaks homes is that we often get additions and corrections regarding the history of the houses. Steve Abbott wrote to us after the January newsletter that the original owner of the Anstead home was S. I. Blanchard, not the Hausers. And, he points out that there was no railroad to Fair Oaks when the house was built, so the "stories" of it being transported by train from Folsom are probably not true. Thanks for the info Steve.
![]() George Burlingham & wife Jenny on side of the house. 1993 Fair Oaks Calendar. |
![]() Today |
![]() Gayle's Art Studio |
Location: 4120 Hill Street
Date of Construction: 1898
Builder and 1st Owner: George Burlingham
Present Owner: Gayle Anita - 1970
Architecture: Payday Shack
This old home was one of the first built on Hill Street. It was constructed without framing. The walls are made of 1”x 12” redwood and then assorted clapboard siding was used outside. The kitchen was originally on the back open porch of the house. It was later closed in. In 1910, the side addition was added. An indoor bathroom was also added on to the back porch. The house presently sits on a ¼-acre lot but originally it was a 2-acre parcel.
George Burlingham, the builder and first owner, was a gold miner and he referred to the structure as a “Payday Shack”. After mining fizzled out, George went into citrus farming. He died in 1933, the year of the big freeze. He is buried in the Fair Oaks Cemetery.
The present owner, Gayle Anita, said the house chose her. She first saw the house as she was driving around Fair Oaks. She though it would be a terrific little "artsy house" just right for her and her paintings. She drove off thinking she would like to someday live in it. One day a friend asked her if she would like to take care of some hawks for a friend. Gayle accepted the job and drove over to the man’s house to get instructions for their care. She was very surprised to find that the man rented the house she had seen earlier. She told him that if he were to move, she would be interested in the house. Gayle first rented the house and then eventually purchased it.
There was a carriage or out building on the property next to the house. Gayle wanted to rebuild the structure and make it her art studio. Everyone she asked to do the job wanted to tear it down and build a new one. Gayle wanted to recycle the wood from it so the material would remain part of the structure. She finally found a gentleman by the name of Michael Day who rebuilt the studio as Gayle wanted. She named the studio Raven Hill. Many of Gayle’s fascinating paintings hang on the walls of the studio.
Gayle lived in Manhattan, New York, for 10 years before moving out west. She was a fashion model, a singer, and an artist in her earlier years. She currently works part-time at Pacific Western Traders Gallery in Folsom. For the house, she plans on replacing the windows, rebuilding some of the house and giving it a fresh coat of paint!
____New Member Application |
____Dues Payment |
Name_________________________________Address_____________________________ |
City___________________________ |
State_______ |
Zip_______ |
Phone________________________ |
Individual...$12.00   Family (2 Persons)...$16.00   Supporting...$37.00
Single Life Member...$150.00   Family Life Member...$225.00
Dues are payable on January 1st, and shall become delinquent on May 1st
Amount enclosed $__________ Check number_________ Date of check____________
Please mail this form and check made out to Fair Oaks Historical Society, Inc.,
P O BOX 2044, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
For more information call 916-962-1988.