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Volume 76 - April, 2006
QUARTERLY POTLUCK GENERAL MEETING - 4/25/06, 6:00 pm 7997 California Avenue Please remember to bring a casserole, salad, or dessert to share with others. Editors: Susan Burmaster & Marilyn Pearce Publisher: Jim Pearce |
President's Message: ![]() My first message to you is that I am very proud to be able to serve you again. We have a great organization and all of our friends enjoy being together at our regular meetings. Our Pot Lucks are the talk of the community. There always seems to be plenty of food and we always have good speakers. We have a big task before us in obtaining a new place for our museum. We are working closely with the Fair Oaks Recreation and Park District for them to have the San Juan School District turn over the John Holst School to them. Then we will have the opportunity to have one of the rooms for our Museum. At a time in the near future, I may ask each of |
![]() Thanks, Russ! The gavel is now in Warren's hands!
you to write a letter on our
behalf to the SJUSD requesting this to happen.
The Fiesta is coming up on May 6 and 7. Please help Lois Frazier when she asks
you to be involved in this venture. I need some or many of you to do the table
decorating at our regular meetings. Please step forward if you are interested.
The next board meeting will be on June 21, 2006. Janet and I will be gone for 3
weeks in May.
Thank You, CALIFORNIA STORAGE CENTERS for helping us with a storage unit to place some of our antiques and memorabilia. We appreciate your donation of 2 months rent free for a storage unit and the reduced rate given us. In anyone in the Society needs a place to store, please call on the above business at 4245 Sunrise Blvd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628, (916) 967-3885. |
From the Editors:
Adele Copeland, Ethel Young and Jim Poindexter are perusing copies of "Fair Oaks
Images of America" hot off the press for $20. The order form may be found on the
website. Sherry Lynn Wood has copies and you may reach her
at (916)944-4812.
Vice-President's Message:
Program: April 2006
April’s speaker is Chip Fong, representing the Veterans History Project.
Chip is a Naval Aviation veteran and is retired from the State of California.
Chip served in the Navy for 4 years with Fighter Squadron-92. After his separation
from the Armed Services, he went on to complete a 25-year career with the California
State Police and the California Highway Patrol.
A long-time history buff, Chip is now satisfying his passion for
history with this project. He is also a docent with the California
State Railroad Museum. He enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time with
his family.
This information on the Veterans History Project is coming just in time for our
veterans and their families. By making themselves available, they can share
personal knowledge about their involvement during World War II and Korea.
We need to do this before all of our World War II and Korean War Veterans are
gone…so that they will never be forgotten!
A Recap of January 2006’s Program:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our members for sharing their
entertaining stories about their first memories of Fair Oaks.
Docent's Report:
Gordon and Joan Heidt were docents at the History Center
on March 12. A number of people attended as a result of the
article in the newspaper about the copies of the Tattle by the
Fair Oaks High School - 1902 and the Oak Leaves by Fair Oaks
Publishing Co, -1907. The following people have also been docents
this year: Diana Lennon, Lois Frazier, Larry and Meg Smart.
The History Center is in the Administration Building in the
Fair Oaks Cemetery, open every 2nd Sunday from l:00 to 4:00 P.M.
The Fair Oaks Fiesta will be on May 6 and 7. The Historical
Society will have an exhibit in the Old Library Building. Areas
of interest will include toys, domestic items, learning/library.
Also a laptop Power-Point presentation and our web site will be available for
viewing. Hours are from 11:00 to 4:00 P.M.
The Memorial Day celebration will be on Sat. May 27 at
10:00 A.M. at the Fair Oaks Cemetery. The theme this year
will be honoring Purple Heart Veterans. A fine program of
music, honorary speakers and placing the wreath has been arranged.
The Historical Society and the Orangevale Grange will furnish the
refreshments. We will need 15 people to bring 2 dozen cookes.
A sign up sheet will be available at the April potluck.
We've added a new feature to the website for the convience of our members,
a members-only section where we've put the list of Board Members and
Committee Chairs and their phone numbers, the budget and financial reports,
and the bylaws (1999 revision). We won't be putting any rosters or personal
information on any members in this section - simply information that would
be useful to members when you can't find your newsletter or bylaws. Any
suggestions for other inclusions would be welcome.
When we're done, we'll not only have a complete inventory, but have
the ability to locate similar photos by entering key words such as
"Murphy" (for the Murphy Building) or "San Juan High School" into
the search feature in the database.
After that, we'll start digitizing the photos so we can create a
backup of our valuable photos and a "virtual gallery" of our photos
for the website. We plan to bring whatever photos we have trouble
identifying down to a future general meeting, hang them on the wall,
and have the old-timers give us a hand with the descriptions. Should
be fun for all. It's a really ambitious project, but we're making steady headway.
It is with regret (and notification to the U.S. Postal Service) that our January '06
edition did not reach you.
We have repeated our article featuring the Huggett's home.
Some members received copies at the general meeting. Don't forget January's newsletter
may also be found on our website (www.fairoakshistory.org) under the newsletter
archives in full color. We hope this
edition will fill you in on our Society's happenings!
Veterans History Project
If you have an idea for a future program, please let me know.
I want to bring historical topics of interest to all of you. I can be reached
at (916) 944-4812 or e-mail at sherrywood1949@comcast.net.
  * Evelyn Heim is living again in Fair Oaks. She spoke of
her grandfather, Earl Ricketts, who owned the northwest corner of San Juan
and Winding Way. She talked about the San Juan Social Club, the Holt Caterpillar
that her father used to harvest grain, how her parents met and
remembered picnics by the Bridge.
  * Dr. Bob Barrett talked about how he came to live in Fair Oaks via the
military. Bob trained in surgery at David Grant USAF Medical Center at
Travis AFB in Fairfield in 1969-1973. One of his patient’s at Travis was
George Johnson from Fair Oaks. Bob spoke of how much he enjoyed Northern
California. George suggested that Bob consider settling in Fair Oaks.
Bob’s last tour of duty was at Mather Field USAF from 1979-1983. Now Bob
has been a citizen of Fair Oaks for over 20 years!
  * Bill Hinsey spoke of living in the white block House on Park Drive in
Fair Oaks, known as the Hinsey’s Grocery Store.
  * Sherry Lynn Wood shared how “It takes a Village to Raise a Child”. She shared
the story of when her brother, the youngest of 6, who called himself
“Car-Michael Pontiac
John Wood” at age 3, would try to walk to Fair Oaks to buy candy with his pennies.
Thanks to the close community, Michael only made it a few blocks before he was
returned home. As children of the Fair Oaks community, everyone knew who belonged
to whom. Children were watched and raised by the Village. It was hard to get
away with anything!
  * Mary Nord came to Fair Oaks in 1955. Her family was one of the
first Aerojet families to put down roots. They drove all night
from Southern California to arrive before dawn. Her husband pulled off on
a dirt road to rest and wait for the Real Estate office to open. The whole
family awoke at sunrise to the roaring of the trucks speeding by from the gravel pits.
Wasn’t that a loud welcoming for the "sleepy" in the town of Fair Oaks?
  * Reverend Larry and Dorothy Huggett spoke of coming to Fair Oaks. Larry told about
being invited to ride in a 1922 Pearce Arrow across the Old Bridge, the Fair Oaks
Fiesta and Sheldon’s General Store. Dorothy spoke of their welcome to the
community, how she got an appointment with Wilma the hair dresser, getting a
refrigerator with no credit, the plumber and praying for the truck.
  * Bill Kaggerud spoke of his first visit to Fair Oaks in the early 1950’s.
He visited his Aunt and Uncle (the Saed’s) on the Chicken Ranch at Palm and
Minnesota Avenues. The property backed up to the stream behind the Fair
Oaks Grange. His cousin took him down to the stream to explore and cool off
that summer. Now we all know what happened next! Bill had the worst case of
poison oak in the history of the family and never wanted to come back to visit
the Chicken Ranch or Fair Oaks again.
  * Terri Gorman came to Fair Oaks in the 1970's. In 1986, she worked for Otis Turner
of the “Fair Oaks Post”. The office was on the hill by Oaks Hardware Store. She
had a problem with the chickens. These were ones that Hugh Gorman let run
wild. They kept eating the food that she put out for the cats. Terri never
liked chickens and that did not help with her feelings about them. She wrote a
letter to Hugh complaining about his chickens. To make a long story short, Terri
and Hugh married and she lives with the Chicken Man.
  * Rachel Scott spoke of her years growing up in Fair Oaks, her love for the town,
and her grandparents, Lee and Mary, who own the Murphy-Scott building.
Inventory Project:
Ken Steen, Joe Dobrowolski and I have been working diligently on
the museum inventory project since January. We're pounding the
ID numbers, descriptions, locations and other information into the computer
for all the photos, documents and objects in the museum. We're also
tagging and protecting all the photos in archival sleeves. As of
March 30, we've entered over 600 items into the database, and probably
have another 600 left to do.
The Fair Oaks Historical Society is in need of a logo design for use in our activities. This
society is a non profit organization that (a) preserves the heritage of our town, (b) stores records
and materials relating to the town’s history, (c) conducts research on the founders, agricultural,
civic, religious and cultural activities, and (d) maintains a local museum for all to enjoy. Since
we are representing the community, we are asking you to participate with us in developing a
representative logo for our society needs. Anyone may be a contestant by submitting a design
for consideration. The following describes the logo design requirements, submittal process, and
Design requirements
Submittal Process
FOHS Logo Plan Manager
Winner’s Award
The winning contestant will be awarded a plaque commemorating his/her
accomplishment at the fall meeting of the Society.
Additional Information
If you need requirements clarification or additional information call (916) 967-5010.
8150 Toyon Ave,
Fair Oaks, CA 95628-7633
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Previous Owners:
Present Owners: Larry & Dorothy Huggett 1965
Comments: This site was the General Store and first post office of Fair Oaks in 1895. The building was destroyed and the present home was constructed in 1922. Early occupants are unknown other than Glen & Lois Wright who sold it to Larry and Dorothy Huggett in l965. The detached garage was the site of an early repair garage.
The house sits on a ½ acre lot. It has 2 bedrooms and a bath upstairs and 1 bedroom and a bath downstairs. It also has a basement. The house has not been changed from its original structure.
The Huggetts raised 4 sons in their home. Dorothy’s mother lived with them from September to May of each year for many years. The Huggetts have 8 grandchildren who frequently visited when they were small.
During Easter, the bridal wreath hedge is in full bloom and worth the time to stop by to see. Dorothy will celebrate Larry's birthday this coming August as she does every five years, this year on a Sunday. All are welcome.