Membership & Contributions
The Fair Oaks Historical Society was organized as a
California nonprofit public benefit corporation on March 3, 1978 and is
recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
and Section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
We make it easy for you to join, renew or
contribute to the Historical Society
To JOIN or RENEW via Snail Mail
or pay online, click here.
To CONTRIBUTE to the Historical Society
and pay online, click here.
To be a SPONSOR of Soup Night
and pay online, click here.
Membership Benefits
A featured speaker highlights the quarterly
potluck dinners held on the 4th Tuesday of
January, April, July and October. Our temporary location for these
meetings is at
Faith Lutheran Church, 4000 San Juan Ave in Fair Oaks.
A quarterly newsletter provides information
about what is going
on in the society, articles on Fair Oaks history,
upcoming meetings and speakers, and business reports.
Members are also invited to:
Contribute to the operation of the History Center
Volunteer for elective offices and committees
Help out with various functions at Soup Night
Assist with the Memorial Day celebration at the Fair Oaks Cemetery
Volunteer at our booth during the Chicken Festival,
and the Christmas Tree Lighting Event.
Help with special projects