While doing the map project, we were reminded of the need to have a section
on our website of old Fair Oaks homes. Part of the allure of the original
settlement of Fair Oaks was the opulent homes built by original investor-
settlers supposedly from the
riches they made from their orchards.
Several years ago a group of Fair Oaks Historical Society members discovered a 1909 USGS map which had been annotated to show the location of structures. They assigned a number to each structure shown on the map and attempted to identify it. This map and the associated family names is in our "Historic Maps of Fair Oaks" section on this website.
Recently, other FOHS members inventoried all the photos in the FOHS museum library and entered a description in a database which enabled us to associate many photos of old houses with their original owner or builder. We also found a number of photos of old houses which we could not identify and photos which turned out not to be Fair Oaks homes.
This brings us to the structure of our "Old Fair Oaks Homes" section. One part will deal with homes we have identified, and we'll include what information we have on them. The more important part, we think, is to post photos of homes we haven't identified and hope someone will see them and associate a name and/or location with the home.
As always, this section is an ongoing project and we welcome comments and suggestions. We also recognize that information on old homes may be inconsistent and errors will occur. We would appreciate any errors or additions to our information being brought to our attention.
Old Fair Oaks homes we haven't identified - this photo gallery is of photos we've found in the Fair Oaks Historical Society museum that we haven't identified. Keep in mind that the eastern Sacramento County area was quite large and included Orangevale, Carmichael, Citrus Heights and the land south of the American River, so some of these homes may not have been in the area we now consider Fair Oaks. Please contact us if you know the location or have any information on any of these homes.
Old buildings which are not Fair Oaks homes
Old Fair Oaks homes we have identified: