Fair Oaks Historical Society

Virtual Walking Tour

Elmore Chase

1836 - 1920

West - G12

38.649816, -121.279241

Proceed north to the red "X" at the foot of the large concrete plot that houses the remains of the Elmore Chase family, as well as the stone for Henry Rice.

Professor Elmore Chase came to Fair Oaks from New Mexico around 1900. He founded Four Gables Academy, a fine boarding school, and on the south side of Winding Way between Illinois and Martsmith. He was also an orchardist and founded Four Gables Orchards at the same location. This orchard and packinghouse continued for many years under various ownerships, and the building was Carpenter’s Rest Home from at least 1960 to the 1970s, when it burned. He is buried here with his wife, Malvina Chase, and presumably his daughter, Daisy.

Below, near the center of photo is Elmore Chase (the gentleman with the beard) arriving on the train at Folsom. Below is also Chase Academy at Four Gables.

At the foot of the Chase area is a lone stone, Henry Rice. It is unclear how he got separated from Immer, or Dewitt who is farther down the hill. We speculate that either Henry or Immer or both got moved due to drainage problems.
