Welcome to the

Fair Oaks Historical Society

& History Center

Preserving the history
and heritage of Fair Oaks, California

Founded in 1975

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Our History

The Fair Oaks Historical Society was formed in 1975 to preserve the history and heritage of Fair Oaks. The Historical Society conducts research, records oral histories, has published a booklet: The Early Years of Fair Oaks, and has reproduced a 1900 map of Fair Oaks. Located at 10340 Fair Oaks Blvd., our History Center was established as a repository and museum of Fair Oaks artifacts.

Fair Oaks History

Fair Oaks was part of the original 1844 Mexican Land Grant, Rancho San Juan. This land grant also encompassed much of the adjacent communities, giving this larger area a common heritage.

The area we now know as Fair Oaks was first developed in 1895 as a Sunset Colony of the Howard and Wilson Publishing Company of Chicago. The early colonists, many with academic educations or agricultural experience, applied their skills, energies and capital to the development of the new town while enjoying this beautiful new territory .

For a more extensive history of Fair Oaks, see "The History of Fair Oaks", by Steve Abbott.

Our Mission

The Fair Oaks Historical Society and History Center is dedicated to collecting, preserving and presenting the historical record of Fair Oaks and its inhabitants.

To accomplish this mission the Fair Oaks History Center will:

  • preserve the historical record of the area known as Fair Oaks, California 95628; that of its first inhabitants, the San Juan Rancho, the early settlers of the Sunset Colony and of succeeding generations.

  • educate the public on the history of Fair Oaks and its people through written, oral and media presentations, website publication and social media, and respond to public inquiries regarding Fair Oaks History.

  • establish, operate and maintain an educational and research center and museum on Fair Oaks History for the benefit of the general public.

  • conduct research on the founders of Fair Oaks, and the agricultural, civic, religious and cultural activities throughout its history, and to keep authoritative and permanent recordings of the facts in a repository.

  • Current Fair Oaks Links
  • Fair Oaks Historial Information:




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    For issues regarding the history of Fair Oaks, the Fair Oaks Historical Society or this website, email to:

    and we'll make sure your comment or inquiry gets to the right person in our Society, or snail-mail to:

    Fair Oaks Historical Society
    10340 Fair Oaks Blvd
    Fair Oaks, CA 95628-7114

    Location: 10340 Fair Oaks Blvd   (Next door to the Sunflower Drive-In)
    Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10am to 2pm  (Closed in December)
    Phone: (916) 844-7103